Developer Relations, Knowledge (Search)
The user wants to specify an exact entity rather than just keywords.
Keywords can be ambiguous so we need to be able to present them with options.
Not just limited to keywords. Images, articles, geo-coordinates, etc. can all be reconciled to entities.
Present the user with a list of disambiguated entities.
Use reconciliation algorithms to automatically match entities.
Combine both techniques to get the best results.
When we need entity IDs for known entity names.
When we need disambiguated topics.
When tags won’t suffice.
User wants to learn more about the subject matter of an article, video, image or other piece of content.
Use Named Entity Recognition.
Parse structured markup like, RDFa and Microformats.
Lots of existing content without entities identified.
Need to identify relevant entities.
Too much content to manually mark it up with entities.
User wants to find and filter interesting data.
Knowledge Graph is large and not all the data is going to interesting to the user.
No single way to organize data in order to surface interesting results.
Count up how frequently each facet (property or value) occurs and allow the user to filter the data.
Show different types of facets depending on what data is being shown.
[{ "id": null, "name": null, "profession": "software developer", "type": "/people/person", }]
[{ "id": "/en/eric_s_raymond", "name": "Eric S. Raymond", "profession": "Software Developer", "type": "/people/person" },{ "id": "/en/sergey_brin", "name": "Sergey Brin", "profession": "Software Developer", "type": "/people/person" … }]
Simple REST API call using standard Google API Client Library.
from apiclient import discovery from apiclient import model API_KEY = 'YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE' model.JsonModel.alt_param = "" freebase ='freebase', 'v1', developerKey=API_KEY) query = [{'id':None,'name':None,'type':'/people/person','profession':'software developer'}] results = freebase.mqlread(query=query) for topic in results: print topic['name']
Too many different facts about entities.
Sparse or undifferentiated data.
Can’t simply provide a list of results.
We want to encourage deeper exploration of our content.
Use semantic relationships between entities to make meaningful recommendations for related entities.
Not only can we say that they're related by we can also say why.
When there are too many possible ways to organize the content and each different users will have varied tastes.
We want to describe an entity.
User needs clues to know which entity we're talking about.
Display a short summary including name, image, description and relevant property values.
When we have content that needs to be put in the context of one or more entities.
When we want to encourage people to navigate content by entities, we can reinforce that by showing which entities are relevant to each piece of content.
User wants to see different types of information about the same entity.
Hard to combine data from different sources.
Create links between the same entity in different datasets/contexts.
Encourage users to jump between different contexts for the same entity.
import json import urllib API_KEY = 'YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE' service_url = '' params = { 'filter': ['/type/object/key','/common/topic/topic_equivalent_webpage'], 'alldata': true, 'key': API_KEY } topic_id = '/en/san_francisco' url = service_url + topic_id + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params) response = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read()) for result in response['result']['property']['/common/topic/topic_equivalent_webpage']['values'] print result['uri']
Need to see information from different perspectives.
Different information about different entities is not available from the same source or website.
We want to display many different entities.
Showing summaries for each entity is repetitive and doesn't fully show the relationships between the entities.
Use data visualization techniques to display many different entities at once in a semantically meaningful way.
When its important to be able to see the relationships between multiple entities at the same time.